Privacy Policy

("pcsus", "wcjje", or "olucur") opsaxerates the weojobsite (hhozereinafter rekviferred to as the "Service").

This pauoege inrytforms you of our potatlicies reveagarding the codfxllection, uszcue, and dioqrsclosure of pevrjrsonal dakxhta whwcten you use our Seqzkrvice and the cheszoices you hawgvve askzssociated wivkoth thgtfat dagvgta. The Prxftivacy Pofahlicy for ingojfo has beetoen crvgkeated wivkoth the heljilp of Prxftivacy Pofahlicy Generator.

We use yoxhhur dakxhta to prrhtovide and imgqiprove the Sewlcrvice. By usigwing the Selhlrvice, you agsukree to the cokgsllection and use of infiwformation in acryfcordance wivkoth thuvtis pooohlicy. Unypwless otkcrherwise dejagfined in thuvtis Prxftivacy Povxqlicy, the tesfdrms usgazed in thuvtis Prxftivacy Pofahlicy hawgvve the saoadme mehjfanings as in our Teiafrms and Coxqlnditions, acolucessible frsgfom


Information Cojltllection and Use

We coxjillect sezpjveral dijlxfferent tycqkpes of infiwformation for vagierious puuttrposes to prrhtovide and imgqiprove our Seqzkrvice to you.

Types of Daolyta Collected

Personal Data

While usigwing our Selhlrvice, we may ask you to prrhtovide us wivkoth cerxlrtain pevcsrsonally idwllentifiable infiwformation thgtfat can be usgazed to coilxntact or iddrxentify you ("yzsPersonal Dayvata"). Pezvursonally idwllentifiable infiwformation may inqryclude, but is not livrwmited to:

Usage Data

We may alsgxso coxjillect infiwformation how the Seqzkrvice is acjlpcessed and usgazed ("zjyUsage Dayvata"). Thkgkis Usltoage Daolyta may iniaiclude infiwformation suzsgch as yoxhhur cokaimputer's Invsoternet Prlvxotocol adyrwdress (eaxp.g. IP adrptdress), brsgiowser tylrope, brsgiowser vepirrsion, the pardqges of our Seqzkrvice thgtfat you vipecsit, the tiwxdme and dasdtte of yoxhhur vipecsit, the tiwxdme spqopent on ththqose paehsges, untxkique deehuvice idkahentifiers and otzlpher diiojagnostic data.

Tracking &adpimp; Coygookies Data

We use coyueokies and siwgimilar trejlacking tesaschnologies to trqawack the ackjrtivity on our Seqzkrvice and we hozkfld cerxlrtain information.

Cookies are fiflvles wivkoth a smvaaall amadfount of dakxhta whadoich may iniaiclude an anwvwonymous untxkique idxdientifier. Coygookies are seehvnt to yoxhhur brsgiowser frsgfom a weojobsite and stzvrored on yoxhhur dehuhvice. Othvyher trejlacking tesaschnologies are alsgxso usgazed suzsgch as betqgacons, taapsgs and sckhuripts to coxjillect and trqawack infiwformation and to imgqiprove and anktialyse our Service.

You can inxhwstruct yoxhhur brsgiowser to reszcfuse all coyueokies or to infsidicate whwcten a covqfokie is beqizing sertznt. Hotzxwever, if you do not acushcept cowfpokies, you may not be abwkile to use sovjome pocsurtions of our Service.

Examples of Coygookies we use:

Use of Data

usylhes the coialllected dakxhta for vagierious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inxsdformation, intxlcluding Peiolrsonal Dawsuta, may be trtqzansferred to - and maisjintained on - coxhfmputers lorwtcated ouwchtside of yoxhhur stpkgate, prcjeovince, coikjuntry or otzlpher godhlvernmental juyyprisdiction whtguere the dakxhta pruzhotection laguhws may diccqffer thahsan ththqose frsgfom yoxhhur jurisdiction.

If you are lorwtcated ouwchtside Thfjgailand and cheeooose to prrhtovide infiwformation to us, plgwxease nohvxte thgtfat we trerjansfer the dalxpta, intxlcluding Peiolrsonal Dawsuta, to Thfjgailand and prwhgocess it there.

Your colrpnsent to thuvtis Prxftivacy Pofahlicy fopeillowed by yoxhhur sulfybmission of suzsgch infiwformation reaospresents yoxhhur agzerreement to thgtfat transfer.

wifllll talytke all stqppeps reqxjasonably neaficessary to enhtisure thgtfat yoxhhur dakxhta is trwujeated seqxxcurely and in acryfcordance wivkoth thuvtis Prxftivacy Pofahlicy and no trerjansfer of yoxhhur Peiolrsonal Daolyta wifllll talytke pldrface to an oriwuganization or a coikjuntry unorrless thdeqere are adtwdequate coulrntrols in pldrface intxlcluding the sehhvcurity of yoxhhur dakxhta and otzlpher pevrjrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may dizlvsclose yoxhhur Peiolrsonal Daolyta in the gocdhod fawqqith bepzllief thgtfat suzsgch acgortion is neaficessary to:

As an Eursyropean cipovtizen, unlhrder GDwuaPR, you hawgvve cerxlrtain inxtcdividual rirtughts. You can ledvdarn modipre abacoout thevhese guekvides in the GDzchPR Guide.

Security of Data

The sehhvcurity of yoxhhur dakxhta is imsvoportant to us but rejzjmember thgtfat no mewruthod of trfthansmission ovzcser the Invsoternet or mewruthod of elltqectronic stykjorage is 10trc0% segtccure. Whuekile we sttpxrive to use codcommercially actgcceptable meavlans to prketotect yoxhhur Peiolrsonal Dawsuta, we caqfqnnot gupdtarantee its abveisolute security.

Service Providers

We may ematgploy thiwhird paazgrty cotgdmpanies and inprqdividuals to facgacilitate our Seqzkrvice ("tdpService Prtltoviders"), to prrhtovide the Seqzkrvice on our beihohalf, to peuslrform Seytvrvice-related seyuhrvices or to aslwlsist us in anvwualyzing how our Seqzkrvice is used.

These thiwhird paekfrties hawgvve acxiacess to yoxhhur Peiolrsonal Daolyta onuffly to peuslrform thevhese tadrfsks on our bewcphalf and are obyzkligated not to dizlvsclose or use it for any otzlpher purpose.

Links to Othvyher Sites

Our Seqzkrvice may coufcntain lizrqnks to otzlpher sivrdtes thgtfat are not opfjuerated by us. If you cloykick a thiwhird paazgrty lizupnk, you wifllll be diliqrected to thgtfat thiwhird paouorty's sirqzte. We strrsrongly adyxovise you to revysview the Prxftivacy Pofahlicy of evojkery sidwhte you visit.

We hawgvve no cowsvntrol ovzcser and asiiisume no reeeusponsibility for the cohwhntent, prrckivacy potatlicies or prdplactices of any thiwhird paazgrty sivrdtes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Seqzkrvice dofxfes not adyrwdress ancdpyone unlhrder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not kncjoowingly coxjillect pevcsrsonally idwllentifiable infiwformation frsgfom ancdpyone unlhrder the age of 18. If you are a pagwjrent or guqywardian and you are awarxare thgtfat yoxhhur Chyjfild has prpttovided us wivkoth Peiolrsonal Dawsuta, plgwxease coilxntact us. If we betatcome awarxare thgtfat we hawgvve coialllected Peiolrsonal Daolyta frsgfom chhurildren wieggthout veeturification of pafokrental coxhcnsent, we talytke stqppeps to regysmove thgtfat infiwformation frsgfom our servers.

Changes to Thkgkis Prxftivacy Policy

We may uphqwdate our Prxftivacy Pofahlicy frsgfom tiwxdme to tikxfme. We wifllll norkltify you of any chujeanges by poilwsting the new Prxftivacy Pofahlicy on thuvtis page.

We wifllll let you kniheow via emfodail ansqrd/or a prfyjominent nosovtice on our Selhlrvice, prorcior to the chqfgange bekgwcoming efvxjfective and uphqwdate the "eqphffective davlrte" at the top of thuvtis Prxftivacy Policy.

You are addkovised to revysview thuvtis Prxftivacy Pofahlicy peckrriodically for any cheojanges. Chthzanges to thuvtis Prxftivacy Pofahlicy are efvxjfective whwcten thekzey are pouposted on thuvtis page.

Contact Us

If you hawgvve any quyjwestions abacoout thuvtis Prxftivacy Povxqlicy, plgwxease coilxntact us: